Pain Relief Massage in Albuquerque

Massage is well known for relieving pain. Therapeutic Massage is also well known for its success in helping people rehabilitate after surgery, from chronic pain or from recent injury.

Since Massage can bring relief from pain without using medicine, it is a choice I wish people would choose more often, and wish they would choose before trying other harsher forms of treatment.

Chronic pain is hard to live with, and often there is little hope given to people with nagging pain besides pill popping.  I will be able to tell you whether I can help you in 1-3 treatments.  Even if your chronic pain doesn’t go away, your investment still gets you some deep relaxation and hopefully a better understanding of your pain.

Give Massage a Try for Pain Relief

Living with pain is exhausting and draining. I understand pain and want to help you feel better. I want to bring you hope and compassion.

Massage for Pain Relief focuses on your unique pain to help you get back to living. I have a unique results-based approach to pain, looking for patterns you use to move, work and play each day.

The style of massage I choose to help you may be deep or less pressure, but it will be tailored just to fix your pain.

Please let me help you. I can tell you within 3 sessions whether I can help you, and if I can’t, at least you have made a great investment in your own stress relief. 🙂

If you have a migraine, call me! I will do my best to fit you into my schedule and get you some relief. My dark, quiet room with deep massage on your head, jaw, neck and face can really help migraine pain go away. I also have cold rocks which can help, and hot rocks.  We can work together to find what “changes” your pain.


When your jaw hurts, it is hard to eat, concentrate, sleep, talk and live. Massage is known for relieving pain from TMJ. Come try it, and for the best results, come in RIGHT WHEN you feel it coming on.

Here are a few examples of the types of pain I have successfully rehabilitated with massage:


      • Back pain
      • Neck pain
      • Shoulder pain
      • Headaches
      • Migraines
      • Hand/Wrist pain
      • TMJ
      • Tennitus (ringing in the ears)
      • Whiplash
      • Carpel tunnel syndrome
      • Plantar fasciitis
      • Numbness in the hands
      • Numbness in the legs
      • Anxiety
      • Ankle pain
      • Tennis elbow
      • Sciatica
      • Restless leg syndrome

What is Pain Relief Massage?

Pain Relief Massage is a creative combination of different massage modalities & techniques focused together to find the best way to relieve pain.

Your massage therapist will decide which massage techniques to use depending on where you are hurting and how severe or acute your pain is.

Sciatic nerve pain, for example, needs some deep tissue work on the biggest muscles in the body:  the gluts.  But, also needed are some fascial manipulation and some therapeutic massage strokes on the leg, knee and low back.

Sometimes your therapist will need to palpate the area to know how to proceed.  You can be explaining how it doesn’t really hurt to the touch, so to apply as much pressure as necessary, yet, when the therapist starts, you jump in pain.

Creating more pain with deep pressure is not the goal, instead, the goal of Pain Relief Massage is to find the center of the painful area and to work out from there to see how to relax the supporting muscles first.  This creates the best results for LONG LASTING PAIN RELIEF.

How Does Pain Relief Massage Work?

When you are seeking massage to relieve pain, often, the painful area will “give up last”, so focusing on the surrounding support areas is a great plan to help the pain go away.

For example, when someone is complaining of wrist or elbow pain, and they can point to the exact spot where they feel the pain.  Their first instinct and request is for the exact area be mashed on for the entire treatment time.

A more effective approach is to start on the “Epicenter” spot of pain, but to work the shoulder and the neck to free up any pinched nerves or “slings”.  A “sling” in this example means a muscle above the “Epicenter” of pain that holds up all the muscles below by being SO TIGHT & CONTRACTED.

Picture a person walking around with their shoulder almost touching their ear.  The muscle(s) holding the shoulder in that weird position would be the “sling”. 

Until the muscles above the elbow or wrist calm down, any pain relief from “spot work” will be VERY TEMPORARY.

By working on the shoulder and neck, the weird “hold your shoulder to your ear” pattern can relax, which pulls less on the lower arm and hand, which then allows them to relax and feel better.

Call or text 505-332-9292 or use the button below to request an appointment.

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Woman holding her head in pain ready for pain relief massage

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Muscle Man for Sports Massage

Did you know?

88% of consumers surveyed believe that massage can be effective in reducing pain

AMTA Consumer Survey Fact Sheet, read more…

Massage for Pain Relief Articles:

Massage for Pain Relief

by Chris Woolston for

Massage as an Alternate to Opiods

by AMTA staff for

Massage Therapy for Chronic Pain

by staff writers for

Benefits of Massage:

  • Improves local circulation
  • Decreases blood pressure
  • Relaxes muscles
  • Relieves insomnia
  • Promotes positive mood
  • Relieves anxiety and depression
  • Maintains flexibility
  • Reduces pain
  • Assists in eliminating wastes
  • Maintains healthy skin
  • Improves nutrient supply to body
  • Relieves stiff joints
  • More…